According to ESG (The Enterprise Strategy Group) Research Report, Security Management and Operations: Changes on the Horizon, major challenges of 315 security professionals working at North American based enterprise organizations includes: 1. security team spending too much time reacting to problems, 2. lack of security skills within the IT department, 3. having too many security tools, 4. lacking the appropriate level of security intelligence to make accurate and timely decisions, 5. lack of security skills within the security team itself.
This data hints at problems across people, processes, and technology. Security professionals with inadequate skills, support, or security intelligence spend an inordinate amount of their time reacting to problems. Furthermore, with security management becoming increasingly complex, data from a potpourri of disparate security point tools becomes underutilized as it becomes harder to decipher.

NUCLEUS interposes security sensors, such as CCTV cameras, access control devices, intrusion detection systems, video content analytics and guard tracking, with 3D building structure information to provide an integrated 3D security situation awareness to security managers. Security managers are able to visually track different incidents occurring across different building floors and sections in one single unified view, without any blind-spots.
Example of integrated security systems includes:-
- > CCTVs / Video Management Systems
- > Video content analytics (Unusual crowd movement / detection / suspicious cars, objects / fighting etc.)
- > Alarms management
- > Access control
- > Intrusion detection / perimeter protection (including fence / gate / bollard monitoring)
- > RFID tracking of assets, guards, visitors
- > Electronic key
- > Incident reporter
- > Emergency one push button
- > Fire alarm management
- > Smart drone surveillance
- > Unusual sound detection
CCTVs are marked in the 3D building model according to their physical locations in the real-world, allowing building managers to intuitively know the location of the CCTVs instead of reading hard to understand CCTV code names. Security personnel can now visually locate all the nearby CCTVs of an incident point in a quick glance.
In the event an unrecognized entry is detected, building managers can immediately check the footages of nearby CCTVs to pin point the suspect, and based on the virtual tracked location of all patrolling guards, the nearest guard can be deployed to the scene where the unrecognized entry took place.
Security personnel can immediately check the footages of nearby CCTVs to pin point the intruder, and based on the virtual tracked location of all patrolling guards, the nearest guard can be deployed to the scene where the intrusion took place to arrest the intruder.
This aids security personnel in ensuring valuable assets do not get stolen from compound, and patrolling guards can be deployed faster to react to situations. Security personnel can also track visitors to ensure that visitors do not illegally access restricted compounds.
In the event an unauthorized person tries to forcefully draw a key, alarms will be triggered in NUCLEUS, alerting security personnel, who can then call out the footages of the CCTV nearest to the point of alert to help identify the suspect and based on RFID location of the patrol guards, the nearest patrol guard will be deployed to make a swift arrest.
Integrated with Milestone XProtect® Video Management System, NUCLEUS fuses real-time CCTV video footages with the building 3D model. Location of CCTVs are marked in the 3D building model according to their physical locations in the real-world. Instead of reading hard to understand 2D maps and trying to match the CCTV code names on the massive video wall, security personnel just need to navigate to the CCTV placemark in the target location and click on the placemark to call out the CCTV footage on demand.
On top of on demand video streaming, NUCLEUS also supports fusion of video from Milestone with the 3D scene. Video footage is corrected to the perspective and fused with the 3D model to give a close to real-life view of the scene, from which the direction of the camera, the indoor furniture etc. can be easily deciphered.
NUCLEUS has also integrated with Milestone’s alarm system. Alarms such as motion detection triggered in Milestone XProtect system is also reflected in NUCLEUS under the alarms panel. Upon receiving a new alarm alert, both NUCLEUS and Milestone XProtect will reflect the new alert in the system. The two-way alarm management allows security personnel to update the alarm’s status directly using NUCLEUS or Milestone XProtect, and the same status will be reflected in the other platform.
By allowing communication between NUCLEUS and Milestone XProtect, security commander in the control room can select any important camera view and share it with the operators’ matrix monitor, so that the operator’s attention can be immediately brought to the CCTV footage with an issue.
Last but not least, by consecutively calling out neighboring CCTVs footage on a pre-determined route, security personnel can do a virtual guard tour, where he can virtually patrol the premises without leaving the control center.
Incorporated with an integrated alarm system, NUCLEUS alerts security personnel when a breach of security is detected across any of the individual systems, e.g. video analytics detected unattended baggage. This active integrated alarm system minimizes the need for constant monitoring. With the location based information, security managers can quickly pin point the problem and the extent of area affected.
Data sharing across sub-systems, allows cross systems interactions. For example, fire alarm raised can be initially verified by calling out video footages of CCTVs neighbouring to source of alarm. Based on RFID tracking of patrol guards, security manager in the command center can easily know which patrol guard is nearest to the source of alarm and quickly deploy him for closer ground inspection.
Instead of grappling with detailed architectural floor-plans that are difficult to interpret quickly, NUCLEUS enables managers to retrieve their 3D premise models quickly and provide powerful building visualization tools for managers to study their 3D premise models easily for emergency response purposes. Managers can easily view different 3D building floors, visualize the building cross-sections and explore the 3D premises virtually.
With a 3D environment, CCTV video footage can be fused into the 3D environment to create a virtualization of the actual world, for better relation of video footages to environment. Task such as tracking of people and assets across multi levels which is hard to visualize in 2D becomes a natural within a single window in 3D.
NUCLEUS provides a visually clear and powerful way for premise managers to brief and co-ordinate tasks and watch-points for his or her teams, using the 3D premise model as the briefing context. When deployed on a large multi-touch screen, the manager can also directly control the 3D premise model via simple multi-touch actions to engage the operational team efficiently.
NUCLEUS provides 3D asset planning tools for premise managers to develop asset plans by planting 3D asset models directly onto the 3D premise model. This enables managers to create different types of plans, such as event and deployment plans, for training, briefing and contingency purposes.
By combining bookmarked views with CCTV callouts expanded along a pre-planned route, security guards can virtually patrol the premises from the comfort of the command center without having to walk through the whole premise.